FOI Request - Affordable Homes

Request 101003546171

1. Since April 1 2012, how many former council homes has the council bought back in order to use for affordable housing? Please break the figures down to show how many homes were bought back in EACH financial year and the total cost EACH financial year of buying these homes back.

Response 03-05-2024


Financial Year of Purchase No. of former Council properties acquired Address Property Price
(Inc sellers fees where agreed
- SG Grant Funding Est purchase cost  (excl. MC legal fees)
2023/24 1 67 Balvenie Street, Dufftown £71,092 £4,500 £41,663 £33,929
2024/25 1 84 Douglas Crescent, Buckie £108,000 - £61,600 £46,400

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