FOI Request - Transport Vehicle Contracts
Request 101003545050
We understand that your council is responsible for managing transport vehicle contracts within your jurisdiction, and we would greatly appreciate further information regarding these contracts. Specifically, we are interested in gaining insights into the types of transport vehicle contracts your council deals with, as well as the procurement process involved.
To assist us in our research, we kindly request the following information:
A comprehensive list of all transport vehicle contracts managed by your council, including contracts for private hire, public hire, minibuses (including vehicles with more than 8 seats), and coaches.
1. The number of companies that tendered for each of the contracts.
2. The name(s) of the transport vehicle company(s) that successfully won each contract.
3. The value of each contract, including the amount awarded and any relevant terms.
4. The start and end dates of each contract.
5. Information on when tenders for the next round of contracts will commence, including any scheduled dates or timelines.
6. Details regarding the platform or method used for the submission of tenders, such as an online portal or physical submission process.
Response 02-05-2024
Please note, most of this information is available on the Moray Council Contract Register -
1. 18/0833 - Ad Hoc Buses, Coaches and Taxis. Lot 1: Coach Hire: 5 Bidders Lot 2: Taxi Hire: 7 Bidders
18/0033 - Large Coach, School, Public and Community Transport Services: 7 Bidders
18/0034 - Smaller Vehicle, School, Public and Community Transport Services: 21 Bidders
18/0114 - School Transport (3 Routes): 7 Bidders
2. 18/0833 - Ad Hoc Buses, Coaches and Taxis. Various – See Contract Register for Supplier names
18/0033 - Large Coach, School, Public and Community Transport Services – Bluebird Buses, Deveron Coaches, Kineil Coaches, Maynes Coaches, RS Taxis and Mini Coaches, Shearer of Huntly
18/0034 - Smaller Vehicle, School, Public and Community Transport Services - Various – See Contract Register for Supplier names
18/0114 - School Transport (3 Routes) – Ace Taxis
3. 18/0833 - Ad Hoc Buses, Coaches and Taxis £1,000,000 annual value.
18/0033 - Large Coach, School, Public and Community Transport Services £2,302,087 annual value
18/0034 - Smaller Vehicle, School, Public and Community Transport Services £1,698,612 annual value
18/0114 - School Transport (3 Routes) - £58,330 annual value
4. 18/0833 - Ad Hoc Buses, Coaches and Taxis 12/07/23 – 11/07/27 - Detailed on Contract Register
18/0033 - Large Coach, School, Public and Community Transport Services 12/02/19 – 11/02/25 – Pending update on Contract Register
18/0034 - Smaller Vehicle, School, Public and Community Transport Services 12/02/19 – 11/02/25 – Pending update on Contract Register
18/0114 - School Transport (3 Routes) – 12/02/19 – 11/02/25 - – Pending update on Contract Register
5. Expiry dates will be shown on the Contract Register, tenders likely to begin 12 months before expiry. This information is therefore exempt under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information Otherwise Accessible. For ease of reference please see here:
6. Online portal - PCS Scotland and Public Scotland Tender