FOI Request - CLD Working with Gypsy Travellers

Request 101003544812

Could you please let me know whether any of your Community Learning and Development team/Community Workers are actively engaging with the Gypsy/Traveller community and which localities within the Council this is happening? The nature of the engagement (e.g. adult education, welfare support, community capacity building) and contact details for the workers would also be helpful but I understand you may not want to provide contact details through this format.

Response 01-05-2024

We currently have no focused pieces of work with Gypsy Travellers within the youth team.  

In terms of our Adult and Family learning side, we are regularly engaged with one Gypsy Traveller adult learner in Speyside who is working towards national qualifications and we had one other person recently referred to the team for literacy and numeracy support.

Support has been given to traveller families when new information has been developed linked to the cost-of-living crisis e.g. the Money Worries in Moray leaflet. Where literacy issues are known, this is discussed with the elders so they understand what the changes are.  Families are contacted when freecycle events are on to enable them to get goods and access foodbank products.

When accredited training is delivered e.g. REHIS or Emergency First Aid, known young people who are home educated are encouraged to participate to improve their work prospects through the community capacity offer.

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