FOI Request - Schools Organograms and Recruitment Agency Spend

Request 101003544188

I am looking for a response on the following questions from your council as a whole, and for the individual schools (Primary and secondary) within your authority!

Section 1 - Organogram

1.  Can you please provide me with the latest organization charts for each of the schools in your authority, including names of staff and departments they work in. I am looking for the names of all SLT, and middle leaders, along with their respective positions, and what subjects they are in charge of/cover. Please also provide information as to whether any of these positions are vacant, and if there are any plans to change to your leadership structure in the new academic year: 2024/2025.

Please send the information in a clear organogram, as well as a list of the SLT,  Middle leadership, and other roles –roles I am looking for information on specifically are: Headteachers, Head of departments, Heads PA/’s, Cover managers, and HR Managers.

Section 2 – Recruitment Spends

2.  Do you currently use an MSP for the recruitment of temporary and/or permanent school staff (teaching, support, commercial, leadership) at the school sites than are under your authority? If so, what is the name of the MSP?

3.  If you do use an MSP, what is the name and job title of the person in charge of the decision to use an MSP, and how often is the use of the MSP reviewed? When will this be reviewed next? If there are multiple decision makers involved in this, please give details of all of them.

4.  If you do not use a Managed service provider across all of your schools, but do use a PSL for all of them, please mention this here.

5.  How often do you review your PSL, is this done at a specific time each academic year/couple of years? When is the next time that the PSL will be reviewed?

6.  What decision maker/s are involved in the choice of agencies for your PSL? Please give names and Job Titles.

7.  If the recruitment of agency staff is handled individually by each school, mention this here.

8.  Please provide the total money spent by each schools under your authority, on Recruitment agencies for the 2023/2024 tax year. Please break this down for each school in your authority by:

9.  Amount spent on each agency each month - give names of agency if possible.

10.  Amount spent on Temporary and Permanent Placements each month Amount spent in total.

11.  Please Highlight the month that you spent the most on recruitment agencies.

Response 30-04-2024

1. All schools publish a School Handbook for parents annually and within this, staffing lists and responsibilities will be noted.  Please see: and by clicking on each ASG, individual schools can then be selected.  Within school pages are links to School Handbooks which will contain details of staffing and roles/responsibilities etc.  An example is provided below for Buckie High School:

School Handbook link:  See: then click on School Handbook:

School Staff (including Senior Leadership Team) – see page 10
Senior Leadership Team roles/remits – see page 12
Guidance Team roles/remits – see page 15

Any current vacancies will be identifiable by ‘vacancy’ or equivalent term in information overviews provided; not all schools would present this in the form of an organisation chart or equivalent.  

Any vacancies - common with other Scottish Local Authorities - are advertised via MyJobScotland – please see: for all Moray Council vacancies and filter by the ‘Education’ category to identify current advertised Education vacancies at this time. 

This information is exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.

2. We use myjobscotland for all temporary and permanent vacancies.

3. All local authorities across Scotland use the same provider.

4. Not applicable

5. Not aware of the terminology PSL. This may not apply to Scotland.

6. Not applicable

7. Centrally if required

8. Nil return - not applicable

9. Nil return - not applicable

10. Not applicable - Schools use the supply list and have a budget for that, but no agency staff are employed

11. Not applicable

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