FOI Request - Sustainable Rate from 1.4.24
Request 101003541445
1) What will your new Sustainable Rate be from the 01 April 2024 following the funding uplift announced by the Scottish Government, please specify rates for “Eligible 2s” and “3-5 year-olds”?
a. If you have yet to set a new rate, when do you expect this decision to be made?
2) What percentage increase does this represent compared to your Sustainable Rate up to 31 March 2024?
3) What is your current approach to the Meal Allowance element of funded ELC and will this increase from 01 April 2024?
4) What evidence did you take into consideration when setting the new Sustainable Rate in terms of ensuring providers can make the £12 per hour pay commitment.
Response 29-04-2024
The response to your request can be found here, along with the Step-by-Step Guide.