FOI Request - Landfill Tax

Request 101003541034

1.  How much the council has paid in landfill tax over the last five years, broken down per year from 2020 inclusive

2.  Including a breakdown of how much is paid for the disposal of rubbish fly-tipped on council land

Response 26-04-2024


20/21 - £2,109,898.46
21/22 - £2,402,076.89
22/23 - £2,413,622.69
23/24 - £383,465.24

2. Not held. We do not have separate costings for the disposal of fly tipped waste. We currently uplift fly tipped materials using the first available crew and vehicle that is in the area of the fly tipping, hence the materials end up within the general household waste tonnages. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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