FOI Request - Council Bin Collections

Request 101003540126

The emphasis of this Freedom of Information request is on the number of bins collected by the council and not on the number of bins provided by the council as standard.

Please provide the following information for council bins for the financial year 2022-23:

1.        What are the maximum amount of bins/receptacles that are available for collection by the council (i.e. general waste bin, recycle bin, food bin, battery bin etc)? This includes bins that residents are charged extra fees to obtain.

2.       Provide a list with the names of all the bins/receptacles available for collection by the council.

3.       If the bin available for collection requires additional fees from a resident, please note the bin requiring fees.

4.       What is the average number of bins collected from a resident by the council?

Response 26-04-2024

1. Each domestic property will have a minimum of 5 bins. Additional recycling and garden waste bins are available for properties requesting them, with no maximum amount set.  Commercial properties who use our services have a choice of 6 various sized general waste bins and 5 various sized bins for recyclable materials (segregated collection on recycling materials, with 4 different material streams collected).


240 litre green bin – General waste
240 litre brown bin – Food waste (mixed with garden waste if option purchased)
240 litre blue bin – Paper/card products
240 litre purple bin – Mixed cans & plastic bottles
40 litre canvas bag – Glass bottles & jars

3. Brown bin - residents need to purchase a yearly garden waste permit if they wish to put garden waste within the food waste.

4. Information not held. This depends on the residents participation in recycling. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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