FOI Request - Traffic Island Spend in Fochabers

Request 101003539244

There has recently been a spend of £94117 on building 4 traffic islands in Fochabers High Street. 

Can you please

1.provide the business case and 

2. details of the approval  process for this spend?

Response 19-04-2024

1. Not held. Undertaking a business case would not be proportionate for small traffic schemes such as pedestrian islands. The consideration for improvements on Fochabers High Street was at the bequest of the school and as such officers prioritised spending of ring- fenced Scottish Government funding to address such concerns and to support safer journeys to school. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

2. There is a list of prioritised Active Travel (cycling and walking) schemes in the Council's Active Travel Strategy Update, reported to the Economic Development and Infrastructure Services Committee on 14 November 2023, which includes the Fochabers Island scheme, along with other active travel projects which would be grant funded. Please see the report (Item 5) and Appendix at the following link:

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