FOI Request - Petitions

Request 101003537404

Could you please provide the following information regarding petitions received by Moray Council:

1. The total number of petitions received by Moray Council within the past five years, categorized by year.

2. Out of the total petitions received, how many were rejected or acted upon? Please provide a breakdown by year if possible.

3. What are the most common reasons for rejection of petitions by Moray Council?

4. How many petitions have been rejected specifically due to being incorrectly filed, filled, or having missing information?  

If possible, please provide this information in electronic format, preferably in a spreadsheet or document format that allows for easy review and analysis.

Response 17-04-2024

1.-4. All information is available on the Council's website and therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:

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