FOI Request - MIDYIS and SNSA Results

Request 101003535466

Are schools allowed to share MIDYIS and SNSA results with parents?

Response 17-04-2024

We would take our advice from the NSA and CEM MidYIS platforms:

CEM MidYIS provide the following:
Only the school will have access to the results, as they are intended to support professional judgement and help teachers target support and tailor learning to students’ needs. Occasionally, some schools may choose to share some of the reports in discussions with you or your child.

NSA provide the following:
Teachers will use this information, alongside a wide range of other assessment information, to discuss with you how your child is progressing with their learning, as part of the usual reporting process in your school.  Teachers discuss feedback from assessments with individual children and young people and then plan next steps in learning using all available assessment information.  The information is also used by schools to plan improvements in literacy and numeracy provision.

In both cases, teachers may use data/information provided as one evidence source to inform their teacher professional judgements on learner progress and achievement.  Learner progress would then be reported using the schools normal agreed reporting to parents/carers and in support of children's strengths/next steps in learning taking into account information from the above assessment platforms/assessments.  They form one of a number of sources of evidence used when determining learner progress and achievement.

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