FOI Request - Occupational Therapy in LA Services in Scotland
Request 101003526568
1. How many whole-time equivalent (WTE) registered OTs do you have that are directly employed by your local authority, and how many WTE Occupational Therapy Assistants are directly employed by your local authority?
2. And of these numbers, how many are employed in the following roles;
a. Social Work Service (both WTE and head count)
b. Housing
c. Education
3. How many requests for assistance/enquiries did your Social Work Service receive in the years 2022 and 2023, and of those RFA/enquiries, how many were directed to Occupational Therapy?
4. Do the Occupational Therapists in your local authority work on a case management basis, assessing and providing social work services that go beyond their core Occupational Therapy professional role and remit?
Response 05-04-2024
1. 11.3 WTE OTs
2.a) 10.3 SW
b) 1
c) 0 Paediatric OTs are employed by NHS
3. 2022 – 7,688
2023 – 8,527
OT referrals:
2022 – 2,583
2023 – 2,098
4. The Community OTs in our Local Authority work specifically on OT issues and to provide OT input. We would refer to one of our colleagues if the issue was outwith our core skills, such as contacting SW about an issue with the Package of Care.