FOI Request - Speed Warning Signs
Request 101003525143
All information on 'approaching speed' warning signs operated by the local authority and are currently non-operational. These are the signs which illuminate with a speed figure, alerting the driver of the approaching vehicle to how fast they are going.
I would like to know how many sites the council has of these signs, the number which are not working as of this date, how long they have been non-operational plus any estimate for their repair or reinstatement.
Response 04-04-2024
Moray Council has no fixed signs that meet the criteria. The signs in Moray are not council- owned so not able to provide this information.
Moray Council has 6 portable ones, of which we have:
1 that is fully working and is currently up on site.
1 that failed the test and is being worked on getting back up and running if possible.
2 that are operational but are requiring adjusting to radar - call in with suppliers about this.
2 currently being tested.
We have no records of the time that any have been non-functional but can say it would be in excess of 1 year.
There are no costs currently.