FOI Request - Adult Mental Health Social Care Assessment Models
Request 101003518506
1. Name of Local Authority / Health and Social Care Trust with responsibility for adult social care assessment:
2. Which team(s) takes responsibility for adult social care assessments and care planning for people with mental health problems (working age and older adults) within your local authority / Trust?
Please select all that apply:
? Local authority team - specialist mental health team
? Local authority team - generic social care assessment team
? NHS team - seconded or co-located local authority staff (please name NHS Trust(s)): ¬___________
? NHS team - NHS staff (please name NHS Trust(s)):_______________________________________
? External provider (please name provider):_______________________________________________
? Other (please name provider):________________________________________________________
3. Do you use a specific named model or approach to undertake adult social care assessments for people with mental health problems (working age and older adults)?
? Yes - please describe which model, approach, framework or tools you use.
? No - please describe your procedure for undertaking your social care assessments
4. Would you be interested in receiving information about participating in future research on adult social care assessments (subject to funding from NIHR) or the report from this study? Please select all that apply:
? Yes, I’m interested in future research - please provide your name and email address:
? Yes, I’d like to receive the report from this study - please provide your name and email address:
Response 27-03-2024
1. Moray Council
2. Local authority team - specialist mental health team
Local authority team - generic social care assessment team
Assessments will generally be multi-disciplinary in nature and views of NHS colleagues in the CMHT taken into account for social work assessments. We also have a third sector partner of a commissioned service from SAMH that contribute to collaborative assessments.
3. There has in recent times been a trial of the three conversation model across adult social care in Moray. Current paperwork includes a tier 2 assessment and thereafter a full support planning and review process taking into account SDS
4. This would be a decision for senior managers. Please contact