FOI Request - Potholes

Request 101003516369

1.  Please provide me with a) the number of potholes claims that have been lodged and b) the number of claims which have been paid out in (i) 2022-23 and (ii) 2023-24 to date.

2.  Please tell me a) whether there is a backlog of maintenance to be done on roads in the area and b) how long it will take to clear this back log.

3.  Please tell much how much money is required to bring all roads in the area up to standard i.e. completely resurfaced without any potholes.

Response 22-03-2024

1a) Total Claims: 23, Settled claims: 1

b) Total Claims: 53, Settled claims: 2

2a) Yes

b) Unknown, this is dependent on too many variables to quantify (i.e. budgets, inflation, continual deterioration, etc). Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3. Moray Council’s backlog figure stands at £46.469m  This figure is produced by The Scottish Collaboration of Transportation Specialists (SCOTS) to reflect how much it would cost to treat all Red and Amber sections identified in the RCI (Road Condition Indicator).

Note: Payments are reimbursements for damage/loss through insurance – not compensation.  All claims and legal costs are covered in our insurance premium.

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