FOI Request - Mental Health Officers

Request 101003514140

1. In terms of Section 32 (1) of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act 2992 what number has the local authority determined is a sufficient number of persons (expressed as fulltime equivalents) for the purpose of discharging in relation to their area the functions of mental health officer (MHO)?

2. How many mental health officers (full time equivalents - FTE)  does the local authority have in place?

Response 26-03-2024

1. There is no straightforward answer. All but 1 FTE mental health officers in Moray have a substantive social work post with additional MHO duties. We are undertaking a workload scoping exercise to understand how much time is being spent on MHO duties and, taking rising demand into account, the analysis will inform the requirements of the service. It may be for example that there are enough MHOs but there is a requirement for more dedicated MHO posts.

2. 10.8 FTE daytime MHOs with substantive posts
1FTE dedicated MHO
2FTE operating out of hours alongside other duties.

Total 13.8FTE.

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