FOI Request - Wild Animals Licence

Request 101003513684

1. How many applications for a licence to keep a wild animal have been received by your council over the last five years?

For each application received, please advise the type of animal, the number of animals the applicant proposed to keep, and whether the application was approved or denied (noting the reason for any rejected applications).

Please also advise of any incidences when the council became aware of owners of wild animals operating without a licence, including the type of animal in question, the number of animals that were being kept, and what action was taken.

Response 26-03-2024

1. 2020 - 1 Application - Renewal - 1 Male Serval.     ISSUED
    2021 - 1  Renewal Application -  1 Male Serval       ISSUED
    2022 - 2 Applications - 1 New Application/3 F1 Savannah Cats     ISSUED
    2023 - 1 Surrendered Licence, 1 Renewal application - 3 F1 Savannah Cats    ISSUED
    2024 - 1  Renewal Application - 6 F1 Savannah Cats  - PENDING

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