FOI Request - Heat Pump Planning Permission

Request 101003511045

I am writing to request information regarding heat pump planning applications in your area.

Could you please provide the following information for each year from 2015 to the most recent year with available data:

1.  The total number of heat pump planning applications received by your council broken down by heat pump type (e.g. water source, air source, ground source, shared loop ground source).  

2.  The number of heat pump planning applications that were granted broken down by heat pump type (e.g. water source, air source, ground source, shared loop ground source).  

3.  The average time taken to process a heat pump planning application, from submission to approval broken down by heat pump type (e.g. water source, air source, ground source, shared loop ground source) including specifying the longest and shortest timeframe.

Response 21-03-2024

The information requested can be found here. 

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