FOI Request - Diversity Training Spend

Request 101003510795

1.  How much have you spent on diversity / inclusion staff over the past five years, broken down into financial years. Please include this financial year to date: so data for 23/24 to date, 22/23. 21/22, 20/21, and 19/20.

2.  How much have you spent on diversity / inclusion training over the past five years, broken down into financial years. Please include this financial year to date as above.

3.  What external organisations have been paid to provide training and/or materials, and how much has been paid to each organisation over the years stated previously.

Response 18-03-2024

1. - 3. Nil response for each of the years. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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