FOI Request - Rental Demand Figures

Request 101003479689 

We are currently conducting research on housing trends and rental demand in the Moray region for housing developments and refurbishments, and we are seeking information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

1. We kindly request that you provide us with the most recent rental demand figures for the following areas within Moray:
a) Buckie
b) Elgin
c) Keith
d) Huntly
e) Cullen
Specifically, we are interested in data pertaining to rental demand, including but not limited to the number of rental inquiries, vacancy rates, vacancy waiting list and any other relevant information that would contribute to understanding the current state of the rental market in these areas.

If available, please provide the data for the most recent period or the latest comprehensive dataset you have on record.

Response 22-02-2024

1. The information requested is published and available on the Moray Council website and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a links to the web page below::

If the question relates to the whole housing market, the requester will find a comprehensive analysis of housing demand in the recently completed Housing Need and Demand Assessment available at:

If the question relates to demand for Council owned housing for social rent, the requester will find a 5 year analysis of trends in the Allocations Policy Annual Performance Report approved by Housing and Community Safety Committee available at:

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