FOI Request - Information on RAAC

Request 101003507387

1. How many public buildings contain RAAC concrete in the council area?

2. How many of those public buildings are now in critical condition?

3. How many schools are affected in the council area?

4. How many primary pupils, secondary pupils and higher education pupils are affected by RAAC?

5. How much money do you spend monthly on temporary classrooms?

6. How much money do you spend monthly in relation to RAAC concrete?

Response 13-03-2024

1. Based on our investigations 1 school.

2. The one school which contains RAAC has had mitigation measures undertaken to permit the property to be occupied.

3. One

4. 820 secondary pupils are affected.

5. In relation to RAAC mitigation measures, no money has been spent on temporary classrooms.

6. Moving forward only monthly cost is for inspection at a cost of £1,585 excluding VAT per month. Total cost of mitigation works and delivery of temporary learning spaces of £501,412.14 (capital) and £12,101.18 (revenue) as at 12 March 2024.

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