FOI Request - Crisis Team Available to Patients

Request 101003505822

1.  Was there a crisis team available in Moray to patients struggling with psychological health in 2019;

2.  If so, please advise of the operational structure of this crisis team in 2019;

3.  Please provide the policies/practices applicable to this team in regards patient referral, assessment, and treatment in 2019.

4.  If there was no such team available to patients in Moray, please advise of the nearest similar crisis team/support network, and advise of the policy for referral to said team.


1. No

2. N/A

3. N/A

4. Although we do not have a crisis team our nurse practitioner service offers 24/7 emergency support for mental health crisis, supported by a consultant psychiatrist.  Patients open to the service can self-refer or the team accept referrals via accident and emergency department or GPs.

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