FOI Request - Records Management

Request 101003489397

1.    What kind of training do all employees receive (not the records managers/specialists), regarding information management?

2.    Are there information management specialists involved in the training, such as records management professionals and/or archivists?

3.    Could you provide a copy of the information management training procedures (if any)?

4.    Is this training mandatory and if yes, do the employees have to repeat the training after a specific amount of time e.g., every 6 months/year?

5.    Does your organisation have staff with enhanced Records Management responsibilities, other than the Records Manager (e.g., champions, super-users, etc.)?

6.    What kind of special/specific training do you provide to staff that cover Records Management, Freedom of Information and anonymisation/redaction of documents?

7.    Could you provide a copy of the Records Management training, Freedom of Information and anonymisation/reduction training  documents (if any)?

8.    Did you had any data breaches in 2023? If yes, how many there were?

9.    How do you classify your data breaches and which categories of data breaches did you experience in 2023?

10.   Is there a Human Resources policy for disciplinary actions against poor Records Management practices?

11.   Were there any instances of disciplinary actions taken because of poor Records Management practices in the year 2023?

12.       How many departments/directorates does your council have and how many staff?

13.       If possible, could you provide me with your most recently published Records Management Plan?

Response 06-03-2024

1. No dedicated training is given; however, a suite of guides, documents and procedures is available on the staff’s internal interchange. Bespoke training and workshops can be, and are, organised with departments or teams as and when deemed to be beneficial.

2. Not applicable. Nonetheless, the Council does have an Information Governance Team who can assist staff with any Information Governance (including Records Management) queries and training; they can also assist with Archiving queries.

3. Not applicable - not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held. 

4. Not applicable. Section 17 – no information held

5. The Council has an Information Governance Team and utilises a number of departmental coordinators who assist with coordinating responses for Access to Information requests. These departmental coordinators are occasionally utilised to assist with significant Information Governance tasks but are not part of any regularly meeting group. More information about the Information Governance team can be found on the IG Report online here:

 parent site – here:

6. No specific training is provided. There are procedures and guidance that cover the established practices for Records Management, Access to Information requests and suchlike. With regards redaction, if a Subject Access Request was being processed then redaction would usually occur with both a representative from the relevant department (SME) and from the Information Governance/FOI Team to provide guidance on the redaction needed; this is done on a case- by-case basis. Some departments may have specific redaction guidance documents and processes; again advice and support is available through the Information Governance Team.

7. Not applicable. Section 17 – no information held

8. Yes. In 2023 there was 141 breaches recorded; of which 3 were reported to the ICO.

9. No information held. Breaches are not actively classified. Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held. 

10. Any allegations of poor records management practices would be dealt with through the Council's Disciplinary Policy and Procedures.

11. Yes

12. Please refer to Org Charts on the Moray Council website for departments. Total number of employees as of 29/02/2024: 5333

13. The Council is in the process of reviewing and updating its RMP. The last approved RMP is available on the Council’s website here:

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