FOI Request - Pothole Information

Request 101003487540

1.  The number of road accidents caused by potholes in each of the last five financial years?

2.  In each of the last five financial years the number of reported potholes?

3.  In each of the last five financial years the number of pothole repairs and the average time taken to repair potholes after first reported?

Response 29-02-2024

1. Information not held.


Row Labels # Enquiries
2018/2019      625
2019/2020      745
2020/2021      680
2021/2022      739
2022/2023      754
2023/2024      950
Grand Total   4493

The table is the number of Carriageway Defects and Pothole categorised enquiries reported in the financial year.  These enquiries could be for 1 or more defects per enquiry.


Row Labels      # Ins Completed      Average of Repair Time (days)
2018/2019      4453                      28.65
2019/2020      5160                      18.99
2020/2021      5239                      34.39
2021/2022      6091                      24.14
2022/2023      4826                      26.92
2023/2024      5714                      34.89
Grand Total   31483                    28.02

Note: The table is the number of Carriageway Defects and Pothole categorised instructions completed in the financial year.  These instructions could be for 1 or more defects per instruction. The average repair time provided is the average of the completion date minus the date the instruction was issued (prior to that the report of a defect is unverified).

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