FOI Request - Nursery Survey

Request 101003470970

Recently on Facebook (there may have been other social media but I am not aware of it) Moray council set a survey to gain the opinions of parents about the future of some ELC settings.

The survey specifically sought responses from parents of children due to enter nursery settings in the next year and wanted to gain information on the preferred delivery model. These being:

Year round
Term-time 8am - 6pm
Term-time 9am - 3pm

The settings being consulted on were:

Cullen, Lady Cathcart, Lhanbryde, Linkwood, Pilmuir and Seafield.

I formally request under The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, the following information:

1. Number of responses per setting

2. Number in favour of Year round per setting

3. Number in favour of Term-time 8am - 6pm per setting

4. Number in favour of Term-time 9am - 3pm per setting

5. How the survey was delivered to the public other than Facebook

6. How the responses were verified to ensure they were genuine

Response 06-02-2024

1.-4. The information requested can be found here.

5. The link was shared through a variety of channels, including directly to parents from Nursery managers, through Health visitors and the community teams to encompass as many children of under 5 as possible.

6. The data was filtered the Early years Service Manager through the results spreadsheet, to ensure there were no duplications and that responses were genuine.

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