FOI Request - Pothole Claims

Request 101003486478

Please provide the following information for each of the last three calendar years a) 2021 b) 2022 c) 2023:

1.  The name of the council’s insurance provider for claims for damage caused by potholes to vehicles

2.  The number of claims made

3.  The number of successful claims

4.  The total value of claims made

5.  The total value paid out

6.  The highest single amount paid out

Please provide the information in excel format for ease of analysis.

Response 23-02-2024

1. Zurich Municipal

2. Please see attached spreadsheet

3. Please see attached spreadsheet

4. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

5. Please see attached spreadsheet

6. £25283.40

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