FOI Request - Core Paths

Request 101003486446

For core paths in the local authority area, please provide:

i)  The number of core paths that are inaccessible.

ii)  The number of core paths with obstacles and blockages.

Response 22-02-2024

i)  0

ii)  229 Core Paths with one or more barriers to access (e.g. features such at stiles, locked gates, wet sections, raised kerbs, vegetation encroachment), including the following blockages:

• CPN-KT27- Meikle Balloch Hill Paths (short lower section had windblown trees), however the upper part of the route can be accessed along a nearby vehicle track.
• CPN-KT05 - Dunnyduff Woodland Paths (upper section closed due to windblown trees, however other paths go around this closed section).
• CPN-SP03 - Gownie Path at Dufftown end is impassable with gorse.

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