FOI Request - Occupational Therapy Services

Request 101003461628

I am looking to obtain structure charts and contact information relating to the Council's Occupational Therapy services services.

1. Please can you provide the recruitment agency spend on Occupational Therapists from April 2022 – present.

Can I please ask for the below information broken down by (A) Adult Services, (B) Children and Families Services, and (C) Other - i.e education and health:

2. Overview of the middle management structure charts for each discipline listed above to include
a) individual manager names
b) the team they are responsible for
c) the location in which the team is based.

3.  Contact email addresses / phone numbers where available

Response 06-02-2024

1. There has been no agency spend on OTs.

2. Community OT Services - (A) + (B)
Team Manager, Service Manager: Based - Throughout Moray, including the Annexe, Forres Health Centre and Hybrid working

Housing OT (A) +(B)
Team Manager, Service Manager: Based - The Annexe but responsible for work throughout Moray

Blue Badge Team (A)+(B)
Team Manager, Service Manager: Based - The Annexe but responsible for work throughout Moray


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