Moray Nature Network

We are developing a plan to connect and restore nature across Moray. This long term approach will help to stop biodiversity loss in Scotland, bring health and wellbeing benefits to our communities and help us to adapt to a changing climate.

What is a Nature Network?

A Nature Network connects nature-rich sites, restoration areas, and other environmental projects through a series of areas of suitable habitat, habitat corridors and stepping-stones, such as in the example below.
The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy aims for Scotland to restore nature by 2045. To support this goal, each local authority in Scotland will have a Nature Network in place by 2030 – these will link together to support the national target to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.

Example of an ecological network, Lawton et al. 2010.

How will the network be created?

Design and delivery of the network is being guided by the Nature Networks Framework and will sit within the Local Development Plan (LDP) as a requirement of the National Planning Framework.  As the next LDP is due to be adopted in 2027, we are starting to map Moray’s network now.   

Ecologists are drawing together information to form an initial map showing known important sites, with existing and potential connections across Moray. The council has been engaging with a wide range of key stakeholders to build local knowledge into this. New opportunities and any barriers will then be added to the Nature Network, so that a final opportunity map will indicate preferred routes for protection, restoration and enhancement.

Please visit the Moray Nature Network story map to find out more. 

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