FOI Request - Seizure of Dogs

Request 101003479188

1.  What capacity does the council have to home dogs seized from members of the public.

2.  What is the average cost of caring for a dog that has been seized?

3.  How many dogs were seized in each of the past three years and how many of those were XL Bully Dogs?

4.  Do council staff require specific training to handle XL Bully Dogs and other large breeds?

5.  If so, how many staff with the necessary training are available?

6.  Does the council have plans to train additional staff to handle XL Bully Dogs and, if so, how many?

Response 20-02-2024 

1. We have a 2 berth kennel at the local dog kennels and this kennel would be used for this and purpose as well as using for strays.

2. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3. None

4. Not specific for those mentioned. The dog wardens are trained to deal with all dogs types and not specifically XL’s or other large breeds.

5. Not applicable

6. No, not within Animal health and the Environmental Health section.

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