FOI Request - Damp and Mould Hazards
Request 101003477347
I am writing under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to request the following:
1) How many reports of damp and mould in social housing were reported to the council in 2019?
1b) How many of these were deemed hazardous?
2) How many reports of damp and mould in social housing were reported to the council in 2020?
2b) How many of these were deemed hazardous?
3) How many reports of damp and mould in social housing were reported to the council in 2021?
3b) How many of these were deemed hazardous?
4) How many reports of damp and mould in social housing were reported to the council in 2022?
4b) How many of these were deemed hazardous?
5) How many reports of damp and mould in social housing were reported to the council in 2023?
5b) How many of these were deemed hazardous?
Response 19-02-2024
1) 119
1b) 119*
2) 118
2b) 118*
3) 134
3b) 134*
4) 135
4b) 135*
5) 170
5b) 170*
*Note: All reports of damp and mould are deemed hazardous, as they have the potential to cause harm if not treated. None of these cases resulted in tenants being decanted from their homes and all works were carried out with tenants present (mainly anti-fungal treatment and in cases positive ventilation units fitted)