FOI Request - HMO Selective Additional Licensing

Request 101003476938

1.  Who is responsible for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing?

2.  Their contact details - email address and phone number.

3.  What software are you using for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing?  For example, Metastreet, Idox, Verso, Civica.

4.  What is the renewal date for the software contract?

5.  What schemes are you looking to introduce, i.e. selective/ additional?

Response 20-02-2024

1. The licensing authority is Moray Council through its Licensing Committee. The Licensing & Regulatory team of the Council's Legal Service provide advice and support to the Licensing Committee. The Clerk to the Committee is Alasdair McEachan. I am depute clerk and senior licensing & regulatory solicitor, Sean Hoath.

Work Mobile: 07929785007

3. Idox Uniform

4. This information is available in our Contract Register and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:

5. No new licence types at present. All licences are processed through Uniform.

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