FOI Request - Artificial Intelligence

Request 101003475127

I am requesting information regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies by the council.

Please provide the following:

Current Use of Artificial Intelligence:

1. Is the council currently utilising any form of Artificial Intelligence or AI-driven technologies or services?
1.1. If yes, in what capacities or areas are these AI technologies being used?

Reports and Research:

2. Has the council conducted, commissioned, or been provided with any reports or  studies regarding the potential uses or implications of Artificial Intelligence within the council's operations?
2.1 If such reports or research exist, please provide copies or summaries of these documents.

3. Is the council currently looking at ways Artificial Intelligence could be implemented

Response 16-02-2024

1. No

1.1 N/A

2. Conducted research

2.1 Not held. Research was carried out online and as part of a workshop with Scottish Digital Academy. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3. Yes 

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