FOI Request - Flags
Request 101003473464
1 Does the council own a flag of any of the below type?
Union Flag (Jack)
Flag of St George (England Flag)
Flag of Israel
Flag of Palestine
Ranibow Flag (Pride Flag)
Transgender Pride Flag
2. Has this flag been flown since 1 January 2023 (please provide dates when flown)?
3. If this flag type was purchased after 1 January 2023, how much did this cost
Response 14-02-2024
1. & 2. Union Jack Flag (10 no.) - flown all year round
Pride Flag (2 no.) - flown during pride month of June 2023; specifically 5 June and 23 June 2023.
None of the other flags listed are held.
3. None of the above flags listed in 1 & 2. was purchased after 1 January 2023.