FOI Request - Section 21 and Rule 8 Requests

Request 101003460207

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please may I request the following:

1. How many Section 21 notices have you received from the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry?
a) Of these how many have you challenged?  If you are able to disclose, why did you challenge it?
b) Can you outline what each of the requests were for? Eg, an email, a text messages, etc.

2. How many Rule 8 notices have you received from the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry?
a) Of these, how many have you challenged? If you are able to disclose, why did you challenge it?
b) Can you outline what each of the requests were for? Eg, an email, a text message, etc.

Response 29-01-2024

1. & 2. No information held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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