FOI Request - Audit Committee Annual/External Reviews

Request 101003452337

CIPFA Guidance on Local Authority Audit Committees states that “Recommended practice is for audit committees to review and assess themselves annually or to seek an external review.”

We realise that the committee with audit related responsibilities are not always called ‘Audit Committee’.
1. Please can you confirm what the title of this committee is within your local authority and answer the following questions in relation to that committee.

a) Internal Annual Review of Audit Committee For each of the last five financial years please provide me with a copy of the audit committee’s annual review of its work. Please state the date the review was published and how it was made public at the time.

b) External Review of Audit Committee

2. Please confirm the most recent date that an external review of the audit committee was sought, who undertook that review, when and where it was published and provide a copy of the review.

Response 12-01-2024

1. Audit and Scrutiny Committee

a) In accordance with the CIPFA Audit Committees: Practical Guidance For Local Authorities And Police, self-evaluation and assessment exercises have recently been undertaken and will be reported to a future Audit and Scrutiny Committee.

b) Not applicable

2. Not applicable

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