FOI Request - SEND Home to School Transport

Request 101003453319

1.  How many children have received SEND home to school transport every year since 2018/19 including the present year 2023/24 (please break down by year)

2.  What was your annual total spend on SEND home to school transport every year since 2018/19 (please break down by year). Please also provide your forecast spend for 2023/24.
3.  How much is the single most expensive daily SEND home to school transport round trip journey you are currently funding?

4.  How far is the single most expensive daily SEND home to school transport round trip journey you are currently funding?

Response 17-01-2024

1. 2023/2024 (current) 104
Not held for previous years. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.


2018/2019      £593,942.00
2019/2020      £478,608.00
2020/2021      £412,140.00
2021/2022      £549,402.00
2022/2023      £647,597.00
2023/2024      Estimating £634K

3.  £168.32

4.  71 miles

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