FOI Request - Review of 101003400486 Chinese CCTV Cameras
Request 101003435428
Review of 101003400486 Chinese CCTV Cameras
I would like to appeal this response as the majority of other local authorities have been able to provide me with a figure. Even if a number can be provided without specifying the manufacturers described below at least.
Response 13-12-2023
Following your request for a review (our ref: 101003435428) of your Freedom of Information (FOI) Request - Chinese CCTV Cameras - 101003400486 , a review meeting was held on 4th December 2023. In attendance were the Property Asset Manager, Information Governance Manager and Data Protection Officer, Solicitor, and Information Co-ordinator.
Your FOI Request from 19th September 2023 was discussed.
It was confirmed that we do not hold the information you requested, other than potentially in what is written on the actual cameras. In order to ascertain the makes and models of the CCTV cameras used within the Moray Council, and to confirm whether they are manufactured by companies connected to China, we would have to physically check them individually. Given that there are estimated to be more than 560 CCTV cameras in public buildings, this task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with Section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this request. Given that we do not know if the makes and models are written on the physical cameras we uphold the use of exemption Section 17, Information not held, as well as applying Section 12 on the possibility that there could be some information on physical cameras.
In order to be helpful please see linked below details of similar previous FOIs that might be of interest. Please note, however, that with those the request was for CCTV systems. Individual cameras may have been replaced since our previous responses, so these answers may not be current.
FOI Request - Hikvision Cameras:
FOI Request - Hikvision Equipment: