FOI Request - Short Term Let Licence Application Status
Request 101003440994
I wish to be provided with the following information regarding Short Term Let Licences :
1. The number of STL Licence applications received by the Council since the inception of the Scottish STL scheme to date (28 Nov 2023)
2. The number of STL Licences granted by the Council to date (28 Nov 2023)
3. The number of STL Licence applications rejected by the Council to date (28 Nov 2023)
4. The breakdown of the STL Licence rejection reasons - broadly
a) Council objection (inadequate application / inadequate property / other)
b) Police Scotland objection
c) Scottish Fire & Rescue objection
d) member of the public (neighbour etc) objection
5. The number of STL Licence applications where Police Scotland lodged an objection
6. The number of STL Licences granted despite a Police Scotland objection
7. The number of STL Licence appeals submitted to date and their success rate (objection(s) upheld or overturned)
Response 20-12-2023
1. This information is exempt under section 27 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information will be published on the Council’s website. The Council publishes a register of short-term let licences which you can access on the website here:
To be helpful, given the register is in the progress of being updated, we can advise you the total as at 28 November 2023 is 675.
2. This information is exempt under section 27 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information will be published on the Council’s website. The Council publishes a register of short-term let licences which you can access on the website here:
To be helpful, given the register is in the progress of being updated, we can advise you the total granted is 53.
3. 0 refused.
4. a) - d) 0 refused.
5. 0
6. 0
7. 0