FOI Request - Road Maintenance Policy B9022
Request 101003440918
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act relating to a road your authority is responsible for maintaining.
Specifically, my query relates to the B9022
Please can you send me:
1. A copy of your current road maintenance policy relating to that road. Please send me the full policy, but this should include details of the intended frequency of road safety inspections, how these inspections should be conducted and the maximum time between identification of a defect and repairs being carried out.
2. A copy of the road repair history for that road over the past year. Again, please send me the full road repair history, but this should include
- dates of all safety inspections between Monday 31st July to Friday 29th October
- details of how safety inspections were undertaken (walked or driven, speed of inspection vehicle etc)
- details of all carriageway defects identified, with description, date and time
- details of how the authority handled these defects, what repairs were undertaken and the time between the identification of each defect and a repair being carried out.
Response 18-12-2023
1. 1. The whole of the B9022 within Moray is inspected Monthly. Details of our inspection strategy for all adopted roads within Moray is available on the Moray Council website therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please see here: -
2. Please be advised that the B9022 is split into 4 sections and we attach reports for each area - 26301727-B9022; 26301737-B9022; 26352936-B9022 and 26352937-B9022.