FOI Request - Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy

Request 101003438158

1.  Has the Local Authority developed a strategy to support the appropriate and effective use of technology in education as set out in the Scottish Government's 2016 Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy

2.  Has this Strategy been published?

3.  Has this strategy been implemented across the Local Authority?

4.  Has the Local Authority evaluated this strategy, if so has it published its evaluation?

5.  What are the associated costs of a) development b) implementation c) evaluation?

Response 20-12-2023

1. Yes. Moray Council has reviewed its previous strategy Education ICT Strategy (2015-2018) and is in the process of implementing its current Digital Innovation Strategy (2021-2024).

2. Although the strategy has been shared with colleagues, it has not been formally launched.

3. Yes. It is in the process of being implemented. For 2021-2024, the strategy has 3 key focus areas. These are:-

•Digital Inclusion
•Learning and Teaching

Progress has been made in relation to all three key areas.

4. Progress in relation to each of the above themes and the underpinning objectives has been reported to committee. The associated committee reports are in the public domain and can been accessed from the Council's website.

5. Not held. It is not possible to provide an overall cost. The strategy is delivered across a range of different service areas and associated budgets and the development, implementation and evaluation cost elements relates to existing and new initiatives. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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