FOI Request - Roadwork Referrals to Commissioner
Request 101003435096
1) In each of the last five financial years how many times has the council referred a utility company to the Scottish Road Works Commissioner with a complaint that it has failed to adequately repair a roadway or pavement after digging it up?
2) Where the council was informed, what was the outcome of these referrals?
3) Please tell me of any other measures taken by the council against utility companies in the last five years in instances where the council felt the company had not adequately repaired a roadway or pavement after digging it up? Please break down measures taken in each year.
Response 08-12-2023
1. Nil
2. Nil
3. The measures taken were that where failures were recorded, they were notified automatically to utility companies who returned to site to rectify.
2018/19 - 2
2019/20 - 1
2020/21 - 3
2021/22 - 2
2022/23 - 11