FOI Request - Placing Requests

Request 101003434426

1)  How many placing requests did the council receive in each of the last three financial years (up to and including march 2023) from parents or guardians looking to have children enrolled at schools outwith their catchment? Please break the figures down to show how many of these requests were successful and how many were not in each year.

2)  Please can you tell me in each of the last three financial years what three schools each year received the most placing requests?

Response 07-12-2023


  2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
1) Total No of Plc Rqst 688 574 764
     Successful 643 538 728
     Not Successful 30 36 36
2) Most Plc Rqsts Anderson's PS/Elgin Academy/Linkwood PS Elgin Academy/Linkwood PS/Anderson's PS Elgin Academy/Seafield PS/Anderson's PS

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