FOI Request - Procurement Contract
Request 101003431056
1. Who is the procurement lead for the annual billing print and mail project?
2. Are you currently in a contract to supply these services?
3. If so, who is this with and when does it finish?
4. Who is the procurement lead for the printing of the electoral service documentation for example Annual Canvas?
5. Are you currently in a contract to supply these services?
6. If so, who is this with and when does it finish?
7. Do you have a hybrid mail service (print and post)?
8. Which departments use this?
9. Who is your current supplier?
10. Who is the procurement lead?
11. Do you promote agile workers?
12. Do you have a particular cost saving target through back -office process efficiencies – who is responsible for this?
13. Who overseas procurement and manages the procurement process within the council?
Response 07-12-2023
1. James Taylor, Taxation Services Manager
2. Yes
3. Royal Mail 31/10/2026
4. Mark Adam, Assessor and ERO
5. No contract in place
6. Not applicable
7. Yes
8. Corporate Services and Environmental Services
9. Royal Mail
10. There are no named Procurement Leads, procurement is contactable via
11. Moray Council have adopted a Hybrid approach to working
12. No.
13. Diane Beattie, Payments Manager