FOI Request - Licences of Registration

Request 101003414891

Please include evidence spanning a 10-year timescale.

1.  The number of registered premises or practitioners who have been issued a licence of registration from your Council for the activity of

Electrolysis to include advanced
Semi-permanent make up

2.  Please also include the number prohibitions or sanctions issued that with reasons.

Response 06-11-2023

1. The total number of Skin Piercing an tattooing licences issued between Feb 5th 2013 and 16 Oct 2024 are 144 in total -

A licence lasts 3 years and where a change of address occurs, a practitioner will require a new licence - Many of the 144 issued are renewals / expired licences and so the total number issued over the 10 year span does not represent 144 different premises or practitioners.

Once expired licences of the same premises address are removed we have issued 82 licences in the last 10 years. Again, some of these are no longer registered and do not hold current licences. There are also cases where there are 3 or 4 licences issued to 1 practitioner, where they have moved premises over the 10 year span

There are currently 47 active Skin Piercing an tattooing licences across Moray.

We cannot determine whether the licence was issued for semi-permanent make up, tattooing or skin piercing as it is the same licence type for all. A licence is not required for epilation, electrolysis or all types of semi-permanent make-up, or where they are already monitored by another body.

2. There have been no specific sanctions or prohibitions issued on any Skin Piercing or Tattoo licence; however, all licence holders must abide by the conditions attached to their licence and the required environmental health checks.

A copy of the conditions for various activities can be found on our website  - a page link is provided here for your ease.


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