Budget 2024/25

This page will keep you up-to-date on news and progress on Moray Council’s budget for 2024/25 and beyond. You’ll find background information, survey links and updates on decisions made by council on charges and the future of services.

Please take the time to look around and get involved.

An update was issued following full council in December 2023.

A message from Council Leader, Cllr Kathleen Robertson:

"Following our engagement with residents at the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, the council has been able to set a balanced budget for 2024/25 while considering the feedback we got. My thanks, once again, go to everyone who got involved with helping us set our priorities for service delivery. Information on the various phases and results can be found further down this page.

Further public engagement has been carried out into what the future could look like for our sports, leisure and culture services. A future meeting of council will discuss these findings and to consider swimming pools, libraries, FitLife? and community facilities – more information will be available after those discussions have taken place.

More details on the budget we’ve set can be found here. Given there is still a need for further significant savings in 2025/26 we’ll be continuing to consult with residents and service user over the coming months as we look ahead to future spending plans."


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