FOI Request - Facilities Management
Request 101003394186
I would like the organisation to review my freedom of information request below, that’s focused around contract data for services around facilities management specifically around the services below:
1. General waste services contracts – The organisation’s primary general waste service contract.
2. Laundry services - where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed.
1. Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract:
2. Supplier/Provider of the services
3. Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above.
4. A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract.
5. The number of sites the contract covers
6. [ONLY FOR LIFT CONTRACT] The Brand name of the type of lifts used by the organisation
7. The start date of the contract
8. The end date of the contract
9. The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period.
10. Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address.
Response 29-09-2023
1. Waste is provided in-house, with the exception of Sanitary Waste etc. services which are supplied by Initial Washroom Solutions.
2. Laundry services are provided in-house.
1.-9. All details regarding the Initial Washroom Solutions can be found on the , contract 18/0685
This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.
10. This information can be found published as a response to a previous FOI request and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here: