FOI Request - Business Travel

Request 101003392073 

Please see below a request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act
2002 and under the Environmental Information Regulations.

Firstly, we are interested in Public Bodies’ targets for business travel:
1. Do you have a target to cut emissions from air and/or business travel? If so, please share
information about any target(s) you have (e.g. description of the target, when the target was
adopted, timeline to meeting the target).

Secondly, we are interested in Public Bodies’ corporate travel policies and plans:
2. Please provide copies of any corporate policy your organisation has on the reduction of
emissions from business travel.
3. Please provide copies of any corporate policy your organisation has on the reduction of the
use of air travel for business travel purposes.
Finally, we are specifically interested in Public Bodies’ use of rail and air for domestic travel:
4. Please provide details of the number of flights your sta" have taken from Edinburgh &
Glasgow Airports to London Airports for business purposes in the past 12 months (or your
most recent 12 month reporting period) for travel to destinations within south-east England.
5. Please provide details of the number of rail journeys your staff have taken from Edinburgh &
Glasgow railway stations to London railway stations for business purposes in the past 12
months (or your most recent 12 month reporting period) for travel to destinations within
south-east England.

Response 27-09-2023 

1. No specific target on emissions from air and business travel. These aspects were first recorded in our PBCCD report for 2021/22 and will be monitored in future years to determine reductions. See
2. None applicable.
3. None applicable.

4. None. No flights from Edinburgh or Glasgow to London. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

5. None. No trains from Edinburgh or Glasgow stations to London stations. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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