FOI Request - Procurement Frameworks

Request 101003391088

1. Could you please provide details of Procurement Frameworks, Dynamic Procurement Systems, and Portals used by you in the advertising, administering and/or awarding of contracts?

This should include all those provided by public sector, private sector, and any other third-party organisations.

To limit this to manageable levels, please restrict your response to those with CPV codes in the following categories and their corresponding sub-categories:

• 39           Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products
• 44           Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (excepts electric apparatus)
• 45           Construction work
• 50           Repair and maintenance services
• 51           Installation services (except software)
• 71           Architectural, construction, engineering, and inspection services

Specifically, if you could provide your response in the following format, I would be very grateful.

Provider          Name of Portal              Weblink


Name of Provider      Title of Framework or Dynamic Procurement System      Award Date      End Date      Number of Contracts Awarded      Cumulative Spend To Date

Clarification sought 11-09-2023

ved 13-09-2023

Response 27-09-2023

Please be advised that we do not keep this information in a format that is easily accessible to be able to provide the detail required. To collate this information would required a considerable amount of staff time and this would cost the Council in excess of £600. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, excessive cost, we are therefore unable to comply with your request.

Nonetheless we can confirm that you could access all this information by searching the notice facility on PCS (you do not need a log in to do this), please see: As this information is otherwise available then this FOI is exempt under Section 25 - Information Otherwise Accessible and available.

Furthermore we can confirm that the advertising portals we use are Public Contract Scotland (PCS) and Public Contract Scotland Tender (PCS-T).

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