FOI Request - Salary Overpayments

Request 101003381438

1.  The number of salary overpayments identified for Council employees during financial years 2021/22 and 2022/23.

2.  The total value of these overpayments.  Please confirm whether figures provided are (a) gross or net and (b) include or exclude employer on costs.

3.  The Council’s total paybill for 2021/22 and 2022/23.

Response 18-09-2023

Updated 21-09-2023

1. 2021/22 – 37   2022/23 - 31

2. 2021/22 - £32,501.28   2022/23 - £29,598.11 Net amounts excluding ERs costs, all overpayments have been re-covered from employees

3. 2022/23  £179.287m
    2021/22  £162.882m

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