FOI Request - Technology Enabled Care

Request 101003377461

Please supply the following information about your Technology Enabled Care Service:

1)  Who is your current supplier of: -
a)  Technology Enabled Care (TEC) / Telecare Equipment?
b)  TEC/ Telecare Assessments?
c)  TEC / Telecare Installation?
d)  Telecare Monitoring?
e)  Telecare Mobile Response?
f)  TEC Strategic Partner support e.g. service development, training, innovation/ projects

2)  Please can you provide the relevant quarter and year for when each of the below services are due to be re tendered: -
a)  TEC/ Telecare Equipment?
b)  TEC / Telecare Assessments?
c)  TEC / Telecare Installation?
d)  Telecare Monitoring?
e)  Telecare Mobile Response?
f)  TEC Strategic Partner support e.g. service development, training, innovation/ projects

3)  What plans do you have to consolidate your TEC / telecare provision? i.e. provide TEC services through a single supplier/ lead provider arrangement?

4)  What plans do you have to jointly commission technology services with the NHS?

5)  How many people does the council currently fund TEC/ telecare services for?

6)  What plans do you have for moving from a reactive telecare service to a proactive and preventative digital service?

7)  Please provide a generic contact email address for the team responsible for commissioning TEC services

8)  What plans do you have to engage with the market around TEC services?  Please provide the quarter and year you are looking to do this in?

Response 05-09-2023

1a) Our Joint Equipment Store Provides equipment from a range of manufacturers such as Possum and Tunstall

b) H&SC Staff including Social Workers and OTs across Moray provide assessments for Telecare.

c) Our Joint Equipment Store manages installation of equipment.

d) Our Joint Equipment Store proves environmental monitors following assessment.

e) There is no Mobile Response service active here.

f) None.

2a-f) The services listed are provided in-house currently. 

3) We are constantly reviewing our Telecare Service and are always interested in ways we could improve.

4) We are constantly reviewing our Telecare Service and are always interested in ways we could improve.

5) This number changes on a daily basis, but it is around 1500 today (16.08.23).

6) There are no projects currently planned around this.


8) There are no projects currently planned around this.

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